((Discussions are a vital part of creating a “virtual community” in our class

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((Discussions are a vital part of creating a “virtual community” in our class. This is not a correspondence course or a tutorial that you can accomplish all on you own, by yourself. The discussion assignments are intended for you to connect with your fellow students over the course material. To receive full credit you must post and reply on at least two different days during the week. If you wait until the due date Sunday night for all three posts your grade will be reduced for this assignment. Discussions also close on the Sunday night they are due. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS are possible on discussion assignments. Everyone has left the room!)
This discussion has two parts.
Part 1. What can you do this week to enhance your power? There are a number of ideas in the chapter. Pick one that you would like to try out. Post your plans to this discussion board and then go and do it.
Part 2. Step two is to reply (a second post linked to your first post) to your original post about your experience. How did it go? What did you learn?

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