create a simple cohort study. Utilize posted resources with sample case, grid, a


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create a simple cohort study. Utilize posted resources with sample case, grid, and formula for calculations. This should be your own original work.
Develop a simple cohort study:
Describe the case scenario and concerns for the designated population (you make up the scenario). This should include numbers in the case of exposed and not exposed etc.
Plot realistic numbers onto the grid or chart (you decide on #’s but they should be at least in the thousands).
Explain the outcomes (the meaning of the calculated risks). Provide detail.
What are two primary prevention measures that could be taken to reduce the risk? Details (not just one sentence).
The topic is about patients who have high blood pressure and are taking medication vs. those who have high blood pressure and are not taking medications. What is their exposure to stroke?
I’ve attached a sample of the study and rubric. You can use the numbers on your own, but please follow the questions.

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